July 20, 2020

E-learning– Boon or Bane?

This pandemic has witnessed a huge change in the learning sector. Almost every educational institution has turned towards E-learning. It is quite obvious that it will take time for some to actually get accustomed to this new trend. The students have to change their traditional methods of learning into online learning. Many of them do agree that E-learning is actually productive, but to think of it on a broader scale and perspective, is it really creating a positive impact on our country?

E-learning – Boon or Bane?

In the past few years, internet technology has been growing rapidly, and the world of academics has seen schools and colleges get smarter with each passing year. Blackboards have turned into a screen, chalks, pens, and erasers have been replaced by cursors, mouse and delete keys, and hand-raising to ask a question has become hand-raising on zoom!

According to a study the retention rates through E-learning is 25-60% whereas it is just 10% for traditional learning methods.From students and teachers, there is a general consensus that technology has been an absolute groundbreaker in the field of education. It has become easy for teachers to explain complex things and it visually becomes easier for students to grasp the concepts faster.

More than 42% of fortune companies use some form of technology to train their employees. Since the year of 2000 the growth of E-learning has gone up to a stunning 900%. Almost 77% of the companies in the USA have already started using online learning. Looking at the current tender situations, it is prevalent that India is also transforming its industries into E-learning based.

E-learning helps students to learn new skills as per their convenience and can give many hours they want to in a day. The audio-visual,3D representation of any subject makes it easier for students to understand the topic better and in an effective way. Also, studying at home itself, reduces the expenses of travelling and also students don’t feel tired. Moreover, due to covid-19 pandemic students have no option but to attend online classes. E-learning is an affordable option because we do not need to buy dozens of books and enroll for coaching classes, we just need to go online and search of various different tutorials from all over the world related to the subject of our interests.

The traditional classroom system has its own advantages because here we meet new people, we share different ideas, we learn together, make friends, play during lunch time and enjoy sitting on last benches making lots of memories. However, the human-to-human interaction is a different satisfaction altogether and which these computers can’t fulfil. Also E-learning, can harm our eyesight and also lead to back aches because of sitting in an unhealthy posture.

While some think that technology has reinvented learning, others assert that it has made teaching lose the Midas touch of personal interaction. It has often found that all Indian traditions have been still followed by not only the Indians but people from all over the world. So, a question arises whether this form of teaching is actually benefitting students or is it diverting ourselves towards a bigger problem in near future? The answer to this question lies in the optimistic perspective of all the individuals, the way they process information and use it for the goodwill of others around them is what drives a country towards progress.

So, a question arises whether this form of teaching is actually benefitting students or is it diverting ourselves towards a bigger problem in near future? The answer to this question lies in the optimistic perspective of all the individuals, the way they process information and use it for the goodwill of others around them is what drives a country towards progress.

E-learning could either shape our lives brilliantly or it could just destroy everything and make us lazy and lethargic. Hence, it totally depends on us as to how we use this technology for making our future better. Well, it all boils down to how we choose to utilize it. Perhaps E-learning is a stepping stone towards a new revolution!

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